In relation to pregnancy, glycine, the primary essential amino acid in collagen protein is a big part of the building blocks to baby's developing bones, connective tissue, internal organs, blood vessels and skin. In the third trimester especially and into early developmental years.
So, it's not something to leave out of your diet!
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Collagen is the most abundant protein in the body and when it comes to healing is the source of fibroblasts (the most proliferate cell in connective tissue) which secrete collagen and give structure and the ability to build new tissue. 
In the postnatal period healing is all you are doing and not only for yourself but the baby that is reliant upon you for their safety and healing especially in the 1st 9 months....
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 Eating well and making sure you are supporting your wellbeing at mealtimes can sometimes be a challenge, particularly when you are in a rush.
 While we always encourage to take a pause and a break when eating, to make mindful mouthfuls, we know that this isn’t always possible.
That’s why we’ve come up with these simple, delicious and nutritious meal prep brekkies to help you keep your gut happy on the go.
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You can’t talk about health without mentioning the huge significance of the gut. This complex and fascinating organ weighs up to 2kg, contains 500 million...

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Nature's superfoods that you and your pantry need. Maintaining your gut health and overall wellbeing starts with the food you choose as fuel and what’s...

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Satisfy those sweet-tooth cravings with this high protein chocolatey treat that's also low in sugar. This recipe for cacao and collagen bark is simple, satisfying...

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Get creative this easter with the kids and try these all natural jellies, enriched with our pasture-raised gelatin - mix it up with coconut, chocolate...

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Dairy free, Gluten-free, Refined Sugar Free and boosted with protein and amino acids from our pure, pasture-raised gelatin - the perfect gut healthy sweet treat...

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